ExtenSURE.AI Tech Due Diligence

Tech Due Diligence and Product Assessments

ExtenSURE.AI, Persistent’s modern product engineering framework, offers a broad range of technical analysis, consulting, and engineering capabilities across all phases of the product development lifecycle. ExtenSURE.AI’s approach places a strong emphasis on framework-led, tools-driven, technical due diligence and product portfolio assessments.

ExtenSURE.AI’s tech due diligence begins with an in-depth analysis of product codebases using automated technical analysis tools that rapidly analyze an entire portfolio of applications. The outcome provides companies with actionable insights they need to successfully undertake large complex initiatives without disrupting their ongoing engineering or business rhythm. This enables companies to take a systematic data-driven approach for translating their modernization visions into step-by-step implementation roadmaps using ExtenSURE.AI as a starting point.

The Need
  • Assess products code health and security before merger and acquisitions.
  • Assess the current architecture to decide the right strategy for modernization and migration (retire, rearchitect, lift and shift).
  • Delivery and performance issues with incumbent vendors and need for independent assessment.
  • Too many vendors and need to consolidate into top few for better governance and quality.
The Challenges
  • Existing teams reluctant to share knowledge.
  • Lack of documentation for current products and applications.
  • Inability to measure the current state of applications in terms of technical debt, code security, architecture.
  • Increased time to market for new functionalities development leading to opportunity loss.
How ExtenSURE.AI Addresses the Problem
  • Data driven discovery of the current state of products and applications to support business decision making.
  • In depth understanding of developers spread, knowledge distribution, security issues, code health, architecture, cloud maturity and structural flaws.
  • Complete understanding of code since inception till date and not just point in time.

ExtenSURE.AI Tech Due Diligence – Overall Architecture and Capabilities

ExtenSURE.AI Tech Due Diligence – Overall Architecture and Capabilities

Why ExtenSURE.AI’s codebase analysis phase is a crucial first step

It helps establishing a baseline for the codebase health, allows faster ramp-up times through structural and dependency analysis, and reduces reliance on engineering resources and tribal knowledge. It also helps prioritize and focus on crucial code modules to ensure engineering teams do not just fix superficial bugs but looks deeper into issues and tackles their root causes.

Flexible Deployment Options

Persistent Infrastructure

Leverage existing setup and enterprise licenses to fast track the technical due diligence

Customer Infrastructure

Get VMs provisioned by customer IT with remote access, install, setup and configure tools and run technical due diligence

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com

    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com