20 Years of Agile Exploring the Past, Present and Future

20 Years of agile exploring the past, present and future

An exclusive virtual event to discuss Evolution of Agile as a part of a Digital Engineering Leadership Series with Zinnov.

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It’s the 20th year of Agile Manifesto being published, and we are celebrating this milestone.

Zinnov in partnership with Persistent Systems is hosting a virtual event to discuss Evolution of Agile where we take a look back on the idea of Agile – that started it all, how it has progressed, and where it is headed. This session will also share insights on the transformation and implementation of Agile. Structured as a set of interesting keynotes and a riveting panel discussion, this session guarantees some nostalgia, mixed in with anticipation for the future of Agile methodology.

Keynote Speakers:

Anand Deshpande

Founder and Chairman, Persistent Systems

Scott W. Ambler

Vice President and Chief Scientist - Disciplined Agile, Project Management Institute


Shelesh Chopra

Senior Director, Software Engineering, Dell Technologies

Vinaya Muralidharan

Enterprise Agile Coach, Director, Fiserv

Gaurav Mittal

Product Leader, Intuit

Madhava Manthri

Senior Director, Cloud Engineering, ServiceNow

Padma Satyamurthy

Enterprise Transformation Leader, Walmart Global Tech India (Session Chair)

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