ExtenSURE Modern Product Engineering

Modern Product Engineering

Our unique blend of technology, methodology, and innovation to transform product engineering and technology services.

ExtenSURE is on a mission to redefine the essence of product engineering and technology services.

With the advent of Generative AI-driven methodologies, we are at the forefront of technological innovation, committed to delivering unparalleled quality, efficiency, and strategic insight. Our approach is not just about leveraging the latest technologies — it’s about creating synergy between AI and human expertise to solve complex challenges and unlock new opportunities.

With ExtenSURE, we pave the way for a future where technology services are not only about supporting businesses but driving them forward, where each project is a step toward reimagining what’s possible. Our solutions are designed to accelerate migration and modernization efforts, optimize technology investments through thorough technical due diligence, and ensure robust, scalable, and secure software infrastructure.

Utilize ExtenSURE to navigate the complexities of today’s digital landscape, empowering your business to thrive.

Our Vision

We envision a world where technology seamlessly integrates into the fabric of businesses, enhancing capabilities and fostering innovation at every turn. Our services are designed to transform your technological landscape, making it more agile, secure, and ready to meet tomorrow’s challenges. With ExtenSURE, your company can embark on a journey of discovery and growth, where every solution is tailored to achieve your strategic objectives.

ExtenSURE Framework

Digital Engineering Leadership

Tech Due Diligence with ExtenSURE

Our tech due diligence service extends beyond traditional assessments, incorporating AI-driven analytics to scrutinize codebase health, scalability, reliability, and security of technology platforms. With a focus on uncovering technical debt, hotspots, code complexity, structural code analysis, security vulnerabilities, and compliance gaps, ExtenSURE empowers stakeholders with actionable insights for informed decision-making. This service is ideal for mergers, acquisitions, and strategic investments, ensuring your technology assets are not just current but future-proof.

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Digital Engineering Leadership

GenAI-Assisted Migration and Modernization

Leverage our advanced AI tools to redefine your software architecture and embrace next-gen Digital Engineering with confidence. Our migration strategy is not just about moving to new platforms but reimagining your applications to be more resilient, scalable, and efficient. ExtenSURE’s modernization workbench offers a comprehensive tools suite for code refactoring, database optimization, and creating cloud-native applications that are designed for performance and scalability. Our approach ensures that your transition is smooth, cost-effective, and aligned with your long-term strategic goals.

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Digital Engineering Leadership

ExtenSURE: The Pinnacle of Modern Product Engineering

Our framework is built on the principles of agile and lean methodologies, enhanced with the power of AI. We focus on delivering products that are technically superior and aligned with market needs and user expectations. From conceptualization to deployment, our team works closely with clients to ensure that every aspect of the product engineering process is optimized for speed, quality, and innovation. This holistic approach guarantees that your products stand out in a competitive landscape and deliver unparalleled value to your customers.

ExtenSURE Overview - Persistent’s Intelligent Product Engineering Framework

ExtenSURE Overview - Persistent’s Intelligent Product Engineering Framework

Learn more about the Data-Driven ExtenSURE Methodology

Tech Due Diligence with ExtenSURE

We understand that it’s critical to make informed decisions when it comes to technology investments. Our tech due diligence service offers a comprehensive assessment to identify risks, validate technology strategies, and ensure that technology assets align with business objectives. We delve deep into the technical health of a target acquisition, focusing on code quality, security vulnerabilities, compliance, and scalability to mitigate risks and uncover hidden opportunities.

GenAI-Assisted Migration and Modernization Workbench

At a time when agility and innovation are key, this unique ExtenSURE offering leverages GenAI to streamline migration and modernization processes.

Application Portfolio Analysis, Migration and Modernization

Enterprises are sifting through vast swaths of legacy code spread across large application portfolios. Much of the code lacks comprehensive documentation and institutional knowledge remains elusive. ExtenSURE’s Modernization Workbench leverages GenAI for:

  • GenAI-driven discovery, reverse engineering, and documentation of legacy application portfolios
  • Planning for modernization and reengineering
  • GenAI-enhanced code migration
  • Comprehensive test case coverage and automated testing
  • Prioritizing governance and security

Engineering Productivity

Empower teams with AI to understand code, generate unit test cases, manage technical debt, and automate DevOps tasks. Our tools support code generation in various languages, infrastructure as code scripts, and code conversion, ensuring a seamless design, development, test, and deployment cycle.

Persistent’s ExtenSURE framework enabled us to reduce our technical debt for legacy systems support by 70%, reduce sustenance costs by 37%, and significantly improve our product CSAT score.

Engineering a next-generation media advertising platform for a worldwide ad tech leader

Persistent utilized the ExtenSURE framework to analyze more than 3 million lines of legacy code for hotspots and tech debt, enabling intelligent sustenance of Operative Media’s legacy platform, and new solution development.

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Developing a QE automation solution for a global Contract Research Organization (CRO)

The ExtenSURE sandbox accelerated development with Functionize and Zephyr, and integrated insights from Azure HD. The solution reduced regression cycle time 80% and regression effort by close to 70%.

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Additional Reading

  • APIs

    ExtenSURE Framework

    Persistent begins with an in-depth analysis of the codebase using automated product analysis and observability tools, both commercial and open sourced.

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  • Documents

    QE Transformation

    Modern Quality Engineering (QE) requires reliability, security, and accessibility issues to be identified and fixed much earlier in the software development life cycle.

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  • Documents

    Embracing Generative AI in Software Testing

    Explore the advantages of Generative AI in Software Testing, and how to incorporate GenAI into an enterprise testing strategy, based on Persistent’s own groundbreaking work with GenAI.

    Learn more

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com

    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com